Dr. Clemens Pichler, LL.M. – attorney-at-law
Professional experience:
2008 foundation of the law firm Dr. Pichler,. attorneys-at-law
2007 – 2008 Plankel, Mayrhofer und Partner, Dornbirn
2005 – 2007 Dr. Anton Tschann, Bludenz (www.tschann.cc)
2005 Thiery & Ortenburger, Vienna (www.attorneys.at)
2004 Wolf Theiss attorneys-at-law, Vienna (www.wolftheiss.com)
2004 clerkship at the Commercial Court Vienna
2002 clerkship at the district court Dornbirn
1999 – 2004 Managing director of Grete Pichler HandelsgmbH
Legal experience:
2007 registration in the list of criminal defence lawyers
2007 bar exam with distinction
2003 – 2004 Master of Laws in IT-law (LL.M.) at the University Vienna with distinction
2003 University of Cambridge (Private International Law and Company Law)
2002 – 2004 PhD at the Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck with distinction
2002 studied at the Julius-Maximilian-University Würzburg (European and international law)
1999 – 2002 studied law at the Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck
- Various publications in renowned legal journals and contributions to legal publications.
- Contributions as guest author in the legal section of the Austrian daily newspaper “Die Presse”
- Awarded by the Austrian Chamber of Commerce for “Best contributions in telecommunications law”
- Received various scholarships
- Lecturing activities and speaker at various seminars